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《Studies in Chinese Religions》2018年目录   中国宗教学术网 2019年5月29日


Issue 1 Volume 4 March 2018


Special Issues: New Work in Daoist Studies

The early Lingbao transmission ritual a critical study of Lu Xiujing's (406 477) Taishang dongxuan lingbao shoudu yi

Pengzhi Lü        

Lu Xiujing s Shoudu yi 授度儀: a grammatical reading

John Lagerwey        

The Dark Emperor s law: a Daoist temple and its codification of rituals in Hunan

Mark Meulenbeld        

Unity in diversity: the deliverance of soul ritual in south China

Wai Lun Tam        

Issue 2 Volume 4 2018


Research Articles

Queli monasteries: from the West to the East

Lan Li        

On Buddhist ideological trends as reflected in statues from Song dynasty cave shrines

Jingjie Li        

Mural paintings of the monastic complex and shading & highlighting techniques of Hinduka

Chongfeng Li        

Buddhism and medicine: an anthology of premodern sources

Koichi Shinohara        

Issue 3 Volume 4 2018


Research Articles

A chemical ‘explosion’ triggered by an encounter between Indian and Chinese medical sciences: another look at the significances of the Sinhalese Monk ?ākyamitra’s (567?–668+) visit at Mount Wutai in 667

Jinhua Chen        

After the Buddha’s Nirvā?a: the Mofa concept of Chinese Buddhism and its rise to prominence

Yi Liu        

On several biographical data of Ch’oe Ch’iw?n崔致遠 (855-908+): with a focus on his family background and important years

Zeng Yang        

On 10 Chan-Buddhism images in the poetry of Du Fu

Yi’nan Zhang        

Issue 4 Volume 4 2018


Research Articles

A possible Buddhist influence on Chinese political thought

T. H. Barrett        

Laozi teaching Confucius history of a text through time

Imre Galambos        

Rumours and prophecies the religious background of the late Yuan rebellions

Barend ter Haar        




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