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中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所学术讲座公告   2013年9月26日 中国宗教学术网



德国波鸿鲁尔大学宗教研究中心主任 Volkhard Krech教授:“Differentiation of Religion and Processes of Sacralization in a Historical and Globalizing Perspective”(English, chin. Abstract


德国波鸿鲁尔大学宗教研究中心Marion Eggert教授:“Reactions of Korean Literati to Western Learning(西学)and Catholic Mission”(English, chin. Abstract




       德国  埃尔朗根大学人文国际研究中心






Participants are coming from two research K?te Hamburger Consortia (KHK) in Germany


KHK Erlangen - 埃尔朗根大学人文国际研究中心:


KHK Bochum - 波鸿鲁尔大学宗教学研究中心K?te Hamburger 研究所:




Director KHK Erlangen


Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner (Chair of Chinese Studies, Univ. Erlangen. Director of the KHK Erlangen "Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication), English/Chinese/German and other; 埃尔朗根大学汉学系首席教授,国际人文研究中心主任:中国思想史,特别是1114世纪的儒教;19世纪以降之中国科技史;中国9世纪到当代之身份认同话语;传统中国卜卦与预测

Director KHK Bochum:

Prof. Dr. Volkhard Krech (Professor of Religious Studies, Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr University Bochum. Speaker of the Research Department CERES; Director of the K?te Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religions"); Research focus: sociology of religions, History of Religions; Director of the KHK Bochum "Dynamics in the HIstory of Religion", CERES Bochum; English/German; 波鸿鲁尔大学宗教系, 宗教学中心CERES负责人:宗教社会学,宗教史

Further Participants from KHK Erlangen:

- Prof. Dr. Stéphane Feuillas (IKGF Research Fellow, Prof. Univ. Paris-Diderot); Research Focus: Pre-Qin philosophy, the links between philosophy and literature in Song dynasty China, the Exegesis of the Book of Changes, and the Chinese history of thought, the theories of transformation and change and the culture of the self.; KHK Erlangen; English/Chinese/French; 巴黎第七大学,埃尔朗根大学人文国际研究中心研究人员

- Dr. Esther-Maria Guggenmos (Research Fellow and Research Coordination; Chinese Buddhism); KHK Erlangen; English/Chinese/German; 埃尔朗根大学国际人文研究中心学术协调兼研究人员:中国佛教

- Dr. Roman De Giuli (Univ. Erlangen),  KHK Erlangen Research Partner; KHK Erlangen; English/Chinese; 埃尔朗根大学

- Dr. Rui Kunze /王瑞 (Research Fellow, Research Focus: Fictional Literature; KHK Erlangen); responsible for issues of translation; English/Chinese/German; 埃尔朗根大学国际人文研究中心博士后,此行主要负责协调及翻译

- Dr. Michael Lüdke (Research Fellow), Research Focus: Early Legal Manuscripts in China, English,/Chinese/German; 埃尔朗根大学国际人文研究中心研究人

Further Participants from KHK Bochum:

- Prof. Dr. Alexandra Cuffel (Professor of Jewish Religion in Past and Present Times, Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum); Research focus: Jewish culture and religion, interaction among Jews, Christians, and Muslims; KHK Bochum (http://www.khk.ceres.rub.de); English/German; 波鸿鲁尔大学宗教学研究中心CERES; 犹太文化与宗教;犹太教徒,基督徒及穆斯林之关系

- Dr. Licia Di Giacinto (Postdoctoral Researcher, Section History and Philosophy of China, Department of East Asian Studies / K?te Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religions",  Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum); Research focus: Han culture and religions; formation of Daoism; KHK Bochum; English/Chinese/German; 波鸿鲁尔大学东亚系中国历史与哲学: 汉代文化与宗教,道教之形成

- Prof. Dr. Marion Eggert (Professor, of Korean Language and Culture, Department of East Asian Studies, Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum); Research focus: Korean literature and religion. Interaction between Korean literati and Christianity; KHK Bochum; English/German; 波鸿鲁尔大学东亚系韩国语言与文化:韩国文学与宗教,韩国文人与基督教之关系

- Prof. Dr. Adam Knobler (Professor of History of Religions, Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr University Bochum); Research focus: History of religions, religions in South America; KHK Bochum; English; 波鸿鲁尔大学宗教系:宗教史,南美宗教

- Prof. Dr. Carmen Meinert (Professor of Central Asia religions, Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr University Bochum.); Research focus: Tibetan culture and religions, history of Central Asia, transmission of tantric Buddhism in Asia, KHK Bochum; English/German/Chinese; Essen大学高级人文研究院研究员:西藏文化与宗教,中亚历史,亚洲Tantric佛教

- Dr. Marion Steinicke (Research Coordination, K?te Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religions"), Ruhr University Bochum. Research focus: Religious studies, premodern Christian-Chinese interaction; KHK Bochum; English/German/Chinese; 学术协调, 波鸿鲁尔大学宗教学研究中心:宗教研究,基督教与古代中国之关系


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