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《敦煌研究》2015年中英文目录   2016年02月24日 中国宗教学术网




敦煌莫高窟北朝尊像图像学考察//东山健吾 著 李梅 译(01

HIGASHIYAMA Kengo, Trans, LI Mei, An Iconographical Study on Buddhist Images in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes from the Northern Dynasties



ZHAO Shengliang, Constituents of the Central-Pillared Caves of the Sui Dynasty at Dunhuang


甘肃秦安迦叶寺遗址调查报告//张铭 魏文斌(21

ZHANG Ming, WEI Wenbin, An Investigative Report on the Jiaye Temple Site in Qin’an, Gansu Province


延安地区宋金石窟僧伽造像考察//石建刚 高秀军 贾延财(30

SHI Jiangang, GAO Xiujun, An Investigation of Seng Jia’s Statues in Caves from the Song and Jin Dynasties in Yan’an, Shaanxi Province



QI Xiaoqing, Mirrors Depicted in the Wedding Ceremonies of Dunhuang Mall Paintings


莫高窟礼佛仪式的左旋与右旋//刘艳燕 吴军(47

LIU Yanyan, WU Jun, Clokwise or Counter-Clokwise Circumambulation in the Buddha Worshipping Ceremony at the Mogao Grottoes


也谈炳灵寺石窟周围的交通问题//吴炯炯 刘满(54

WU Jiongjiong, LIU Man, On the Traffic Problem around the Binglingsi Grottoes



SHI Lanlan, An Examination of the Material about the Tianxi Pagoda of the Song Dynasty Kept in Gansu Provincial Museum


大足石刻宋代两组取经图简说//李小强 姚淇琳(68

LI Xiaoqiang, YAO Qilin, A Study on Two Song Dynasty Scenes of the Pilgrimage for Buddhist Scriptures Found in Dazu Rock Carvings




WANG Jiqing, Rescarch on the Smuggling Procedures of the Dunhuang Manuscripts as Acquired by Auriel Stein at Anxi in October,1907



CHEN Jing, A New Study on the Dunhuang Manuscripts Chajiu Lun



NIE Shunxin, A Preliminary Study on the Differences in Temple Prayer Service Practice Systems on a National Memorial Day between Dunhuang and Other Prefectures during the Gui-yi-jun Period of Zhang Family Control




ZHANG Junmin, Two Cases of the Han Dynasty Official System Recently Discovered in Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips from Xuanquan


阳关博物馆藏记载天水休茵苑汉简及相关问题//周银霞 李永平(104

ZHOU Yinxia, LI Yongping, About Xiuyinyuan Recorded in the Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips Held in Yangguan Museum and Related Problems



不同泥剂配比下土遗址泥敷法脱盐效果评价//李凤洁 王旭东 杨善龙 郭青林 林波 张博(107

LI Fengjie, WANG Xudong, YANG Shanlong, GUO Qinglin, LIN Bo, ZHANG BO, An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Salt Extraction by Poulticing at Earrher Sites Based Rations of Desalination Materials


文物价值的现象学分析----以敦煌莫高窟为例//刘牧 邓静宜 王明明(114

LIU Mu, DENG Jingyi, WANG Mingming, A Phenomenological Analysis of the Value of Cultural Relics-A Case Study of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes




SUN Rujian, Mogao Stories-MY Life Career at Dunhuang(VII): About the Organization of the Remaining Statues of the Qianxiang Pagoda and the Removal of Hong Bian’s Statue in Cave 17



车柱环教授敦煌词校勘实绩述要//闵定庆 张洲(126

MIN Dingqing, ZHANG Zhou, The Realistic Spirit of Professor Cha ChuHwan’s Textual Criticism of Dunhuang Ci



PEI Chengguo, A Review of Mr. SekioShiro’s Anorher Dunhuang




















DAI Chunyang, Tang Dynasty Tombs with Molded Figure Bricks in the Foyemiaowan at Dunhuang(I)- Main Funeral Materials and Their Dates



PAN Liangwen, Rethinking Buddhavatamsaka Sutra Art of Dunhuang Caves- Focusing on the Works of the Tang Dynasty



SHI Zhongping, The Art of Dunhuang’s “Water- Moon Avalokitesara” Paintings




SHA Wutian, A Valuable Pieture of an Evening Music and Dancing Scene in Chang’an- An Interpretation Focusing on the Lamps in the Music and Dancing Scene  of the Bhaisajyguru Sutra Illustration in Mogao Cave 220


丹丹乌里克二号殿所见于阗诃利帝壁画//洛克什·钱德拉 著 杨富学 译(45

Lokesh CHANDRA, Trans, YANG Fuxue, Wall Paintings of Khotanese Hariti in Hall No.2 of Dandan Oilik



MIAO Lihui, The Wall Paintings of Buddha’s Life Stories in the Kizil Grottoes and Buddha’s “Magis Power”- Plus a Discussion of the Nirvana Scenes in Kizil Wall Paintings



Tang Zhongming, On the Emergence of the Style of the Xiangtangshan Grottoes and the Features of the Caves



LIU Zhengang, Identifying and Analyzing the Inscriptions of Past Dynasties in the Chentaisi Grottoes in Zhidan




LIU Zifan, P.2756 Kept in France is the Collected Works of Yuan Gongyu



TIAN Weiwei, A New Study on the 11 Dunhuang Manuscripts of Qinfu Yin



SUN Wenbo, The “Hequ- zu” of the Western Han Garrison Should Be “Zhiqu- Zu”



YANG Yaqiong, A Summary of the Research on Mannerheim’s Expedition in the Western Regions



多场耦合下岩土质文物风化机理试验装置研究//王旭东 郭青林 范宇权 杨善龙 张鹏(103

WANG Xudong, GUO Qinglin, FAN Yuquan, YANG Shanlong, ZHANG Peng, Multi-Field Coupling Equipment for Research on the Weathering Mechanism of Rock and Earthen Relics


丝绸之路中国段文化旅游展示与体验创新服务模式探讨//吴健 俞天秀(111

WU Jian, WU Jian, YU Tianxiu, Cultural Tourism of the Chinese Section of the Silk Road and a Discussion on Creating New Service Methods


体感技术在敦煌艺术交互展示中的应用初探//李大丁 杨梦琴 薄龙伟 樊雪崧 孙琳(115

LI Dading, YANG Mengqin, BO Longwei, FAN Xuesong, SUN Lin, The Application of Somatosensory Recognition in the Preservation and Presentation Dunhuang Caves


天水古民居木构件烟熏病害调查及治理的初步研究//欧秀花 惠泽霖 卢旭平(120

OU Xiuhua, HUI Zelin, LU Xuping, A Preliminary Study on the Sooted Timber Structures of Ancient Dwellings in Tianshui





SUN Rujian, Mogao Stories- My Life Career at Dunhuang() – About the Removal and Restoration of the “Sealed Treasure Cave” Gateway and the Pagoda of Maitreya




WANG Huihui, The Value of Collected Works Dunhuang Art in Academic History


















FAN Jinshi, Maintaining the Heritage Management System of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes




FU Yongli, The Theme and Time of the Images of Tianwan No.3 Niche in the Longduoshan Grottoes in Chongqing



JIA Weiwei, A Study on the Five Protectors(Pancaraksa) in Yulin Cave 3



ZHU Xiaofeng, A Study on the Ceremonial Band and Musical Instruments in the “Outing Scene of Zhang Yichao”



----兼及汉文禅观文献的起源//山部能宜著陈瑞莲译 杨富学校(35

Nobuyoshi YAMABE, Trans, CHEN Ruilian, Rev., YANG Fuxue, An Examination of Mural Paintings of Visualizing Monks in Toyok Cave 42: in Conjunction with the Origin of Some Chinese Texts on Meditation




LI Jun, Further Research of Zhang Huaishen’s Titles as the Gui-yi-jun Governor



DU Hai, Textual Research on Cao Yuande’s Title of Situ



ZHANG Qungwen, On the Influence of the Image Evolution of Dunhuang Scholar Hou Jin


黑水城文书中钱粮物的放支方式//潘洁 陈朝辉(60

PAN Jie, CHEN Zhaohui, From the Khara-Khoto Documents: On the Distribution and Use of Money, Food, and Materials




LIAO Yang, Historical Development of the *Mahabalaguna-Tejaprabha-Tathagata-Srī-Dharanī-Sutra



WANG Dong, A Supplementary Study on an Ancient Document of Official Appointment in Tibetan Found in the Western Regions



DU Chenghui, On the Block-Printed Divination Book of the Liao Dynasty Unearthed from the Wooden Pagoda Hoard in Ying County



WANG Meng, A Chronological Summary and Review of the Research Results on the Dunhuang Document Foshuo Xiaoshunzi Xiuxing Chengfo Jing




ZHOU Shuping, On the Relationship between Dunhuang Literature and Confucianism


《吐鲁番出土文书》所见“  ”当为“濄”字考


BAO Lang, Yang Fuxue, Note on the Word Guo Seen in Turpan Manuscripts-Plus a Discussion with Mr. Wang Qitao



ZHAO Jiadong, A Tentative Interpretation of BD.7677V from the Dunhuang Documents in the Beijing Library



《肩水金关汉简(叁)》历简年代考释//罗见今 关守义(106

LUO Jianjin, GUAN Shouyi, A Chronological Study on the Dates of Thirty-Two Slips in the Han Dynasty Wooden Slips from Jianshuijinguan()



ZHANG Yingmei, A Preliminary Study on the Slips with Texts from Classics in the Han Dynasty WoodenSlips from Jianshuijinguan () and Relevant Problems



一凿一磨皆菩提----青州龙兴寺L0139造像记录中的新方法和新发现//李志荣 王瑞霞 周麟麟 付卫杰(115

LI Zhirong, WANG Ruixia, ZHOU Linlin, FU Weijie, How Buddhist Statues Were Made-New Methods and New Discoveries in Recording Statue LO139 from the Longxing Temple in Qingzhou


莫高窟洞窟自然通风测试研究//王江丽 闫增峰 王旭东 张正模 尚瑞华 许江涛 高文强(121

WANG Jiangli, YAN Zengfeng, WANG Xudong, SHANG Ruihua, XU Jiangtao, ZHANG Zhengmo, GAO Wenqiang, Test Research on the Natural Ventilation of the Mogao Grottoes


降雨对榆阳区明长城单体建筑模型破坏的定量化研究//姚雪 赵凡 孙满利(127

YAO Xue, ZHAO Fan, SUN Manli, A Quantitative Study of the Destruction Caused by Rain to the Ming Dynasty Great Wall in Yuyang Borough


大寺沟淤沙对炳灵寺石窟的影响及治理措施//赵雪芬 贺延军 闫海明 于亮(136

ZHAO Xuefen, HE yanjin, YAN Haiming, YU Liang, Inflience of Silt Sediments on the Binglingsi Grottoes and Resulting Treament Measures




















ZHU Tiangshu, A New Study on the Painting on the Side Walls in Kizil Cave123



HAN Youcheng, An Investigation Report on the Chantashan Grottoes in Yuanzhou District, Ningxia



HU Tongqing, A Preliminary Study on Buddhist Bathing Culture in Dunhuang Wall Paintings



LU Xiuwen, XU Huizhen, The Brocade Scarf and the Cultural Exchanges Along the Silk Road



ZHAO Kunyu, Alien Cultures on Ancient Silk Road-Foreign Music and Dance in Pingcheng as the Capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty



WANG Ming, Transitional Characteristics of the Five Dynaties Calligraphy Indicated by Dunhuang Offcial Documents




FANG Guangchang, A Study on the Apocryphal Dunhuang Manuscript, Banruo Boluomi Pusa Jiaohua Jing



ZHAO Zhen, A Study on the Fragmental S.P12


《长兴四年中兴殿应圣节讲经文》性质、作者与用韵研究//程兴丽 许松

CHENG Xingli, XU Song, On the Nature, Author, and Rhyming of Text Preached on the Emperor’s Birthday in the Zhongxing Hall in the Fourth Year of the Changxing Era



PENG Jie, On Two Fragments of Buddhist Manuscripts Donated by King Qu Qiangu of Gaochang Kept in the Lüshun Museum



YANG Xiuqing, The Taoist Knowledge and Thought of Dunhuang People in the Tang and Song Dynasties  --A Study Based on Dunhuang Documents



MAI Xiaoying, On the Filial Piety of Buddhist Family Ethics at Dunhuang



TAO Yule, A Preliminary Study on the Military Defense of the Jianshui Fortress of the Han Dynasty



LIU Chuanfei, When the Anxi and Shazhou Garrisons Were Constructed—Plus a Discussion on Whether or not There Was a Shazhou Suo



敦煌石窟海量数据无差错传输系统的设计与开发//俞天秀 吴健 赵良 许丽鹏(109

YU Tianxiu, WU Jian, ZHAO Liang, XU Lipeng, Design and Development of the Error—free Transmission System for the Mass Data of the Dunhuang Caves


山西北齐徐显秀墓葬墓室结构保护技术研究//裴强强 赵林毅 汪万福 武广文 刘涛 孙军永 王辉(116

PEI Qiangqiang, ZHAO Linyi, WANG Wanfu, WU Guangwen,LIU Tao, SUN Junyong, WANG Hui, Technology for the Conservation of the Chamber Structure of Xu Xiangxiu’s Tomb of the Northern Qi Dynasty in Shanxi


高光谱技术无损鉴定壁画颜料之研究----以西藏拉萨大昭寺壁画为例//王乐乐 李志敏 马清林 梅建军(122

WANG Leie,LI Zhimin, MA Qinglin, MEL Jianjun, Non-Destructive and In-Situ Identification of Pigments in Wall Paintings Using Hyperspectral Technology



LI Dawei, Identification Research of the Heritage Category in the Conservation of the Great Wall



HUANG Mingyu, Cultural Heritage: Concepts and Expression of Values—Plus Related Issues in P.R.C.Law Regarding the Protection of Cultural Relics


















CAI Weitang, Correction of the Numbering of Several Dunhuang Mogao Caves



ZHANG Jianyu, A New Interpretation of the Westrn Wei(535-556) Painting Style of the Mogao Grottoes Focusing on the Artisans and Drafts of Cave 285



DONG Xiaorong, On the Seats Depicted in the Murals of the A-Er-Zhai Grottoes



LU Xiuwen, A Study on the Dangling Ornaments (Buyao) Worn by Dunhuang Ladies




YANG Xiuqing,The Plebian Features of Dunhuang Taoism in the Tang and Song Dynasties-A Study Based on Dunhuang Documents



WANG Xiangwei, Research on Dunhuang Manuscript P.2469V Kept in France



ZHANG Changbin, Shiershi Puquan Sizhong Yijiaoxiuxing and the Promotional Literature of Dunhuang It Represents



LENG Jiangshan, A Correlation Analysis of the Contents on the Back of S.2702



HUANG Jing, Textual Research of the Time and Authorship of Chanhui Miezui Jinguangmingjing Zhuan



CHEN Weijun, Regarding Two Terms in Dunhuang Documents:Xingsan and Xingjie-Plus a Discussion with Mr. Zhang Nong



XIE Ming, Emendation of Dunhuang Taoist Manuscripts in the National Library of China




CUI Hongfen, A Study on the Tangut Version of the Arya Grahamatka Dharni Stra Sutra in both Chinese and British Collections


敦煌研究院藏回鹘文《圆觉经》注释本残片研究//张铁山 皮特·茨默(97

ZHANG Tieshan, Peter ZIEME, A Study on the Fragment of the Annotated Version of Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment in Uighur Kept at Dunhuang Academy




LIU Qingling, A Discussion on the Portrait Eulogies



NIE Dan, “Yao” and “Bi,”Two worda in the Wooden and Bamboo Slips from Northwest Garrison Sites



HUANG Yanping, On Han Dynasty Slips Bcaring Dates from the Han Dynasty Wooden Slips from Jianshui jinguan ()




WU Jian Meaning of Digitalizing Cultural Relics in Cave Temples-The Integration of Learning Technology, and Art




DENG Wenkuan, A Book That Scholars of Dunhuang Studies Must Read-Notes on Reading the Philology of Dunhuang Documents by Zhang Yongquan



ZOU Qingquan, The Confluence between Art History and Dunhuang Studies


















HUANG Wenkun, Discussions on Early Archaeology and Buddhist Art in China



LIU Yongzeng, Interpreting the Mandala of Pancaraksa in Cave 3 of the Yulin Grottoes at Guazhou



WANG Huimin, Riding an Elephant and a Bhiksu Chanting Scriptures in Mogao Cave 280



ZHANG Baoxi, The Dayun Temple in the Hongyuan Valley in Liangzhou



HU Tongqing, A Preliminary Study on the Aesthetic Signifcance of the Northern Dynasties Donor Figures in Dunhuang Caves



REN Pingshan, Impressions of Space in Medieval Tocharian and Sogdian Murals as Hinted by Yuchi Yiseng’s Painting Style




瓜州东千佛洞泥寿桃洞西夏文两件印本残页考释//张多勇 于光建(59

ZHANG Duoyong, YU Guangjian, A Study on Two Fragmental Manuscript Prints in Tangut Script from the Mud-Peach Cave at the Eastern Thousand- Buddha Grottoes in Guazhou



LIU Weipeng, A Textual Analysis of an Inscription on a Former Qin Coffin Found in Gaotai, Gansu Province, Dated “the 20th Year of Jianyuan”


敦煌写本碑铭赞释录勘补//刘瑶瑶 杨晓宇(71

LIU Yaoyao, YANG Xiaoyu, Interpretation, Transcription, Collation and Supplementation of Dunhuang Manuscripts of Carved Inscriptions, Epitaphs, and Eulogies



DANG Juhong, Interpreting the Inscriptions in the yuan Dynasty Bronze Wares Unearthed from Zhenzhutai at Jiaowei Village in Wuwei



CHEN Xubo, About the Versions of the Rites and Ceremonies Preserved in the Han Dynasty Bamboo Skips from Wuwei-Focusing on the Relationship between the Chapters and Titles of the Bamboo and Stone Versions as well as Modern Versuins



ZHANG Haijuan, Historical Documents from Khara-Khoto and the Construction of the Yuan Dynasty’s History



YE Aiguo, The Meaning of Time AdverbBi”





WANG Xudong Construction of a Monitoring and Precaution System and Exploration of Preventive Conservation at the Mogao Grottoes Based on Risk Management Theory


仿爱夜蛾在敦煌莫高窟模拟壁画表面的附着力研究//吉爱红 汪万福 闫俊峰 武发思 张国彬倪勇 戴振东(111

JI AihongWANG WanfuYAN Junfeng WU FasiZHANG Guobin NI YongDAI ZhendongAdhesive Force of Apopestes Spectrum Esper on a Simulated Mural in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes


莫高窟壁画加筋土地仗干缩变形研究//杜文凤 张虎元(116

DU Wenfeng ZHANG HuyuanShrinkage Deformation of Mural Plasters Reinforced with Natural Fabrics at the Mogao Grottoes


陕西安康紫阳北五省会馆壁画制作工艺研究//胡可佳 白崇斌 马琳燕 柏柯 刘东博 范宾宾//124

HU KejiaBAI ChongbinMA LinyanBAI KeLIU Dongbo FAN BinbinA Study on Mural Techniques in the Assembly Hall of the Five Northern Provinces in Ankang Shaanxi Province





LIU JinbaoA Typical Example for Cave-Temple Archaeology-A Revew of The Archaeological Report on Mogao Caves266-275


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